We believe that data analysis and scientific research are the foundation of a successful investment process. Mathematical and statistical models guide our investment decisions and portfolio construction.

A key difference between firms that survive and thrive and those that don't is risk management. The accumulation of wealth should be achieved in a stable manner that emphasizes capital preservation in challenging markets. The identification, quantification and management of risk is central to providing our clients with superior long term returns.

A better process leads
to a better Outcome

Most managers base their investment
decisions on forecasting and intuition.


We call this betting.

our mission

Higher long-term returns

Better protection in bear markets

Processes based on quantifiable evidence

Low management fees

High liquidity

  • We don't believe in betting with your money.

    Instead, we believe that higher long-term results can be achieved by following a rules-based approach based on quantifiable evidence.
  • Investing has become unnecessarily complicated.

    This complexity often results in confusion, lower returns, and higher costs.
  • Your portfolio should be simple and effective.

    We also believe that you have the right to always know exactly what you are invested in and be able to access your money quickly. After all, it’s your money. Expect more.
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